Building A5, floor 1., room No. U8
the building entrance (click here) 49°13'51.179" North latitude, 16°34'21.868" East longitude
July 10, registration is open from 8:20am
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(click here)
Brno Geographic information
Coordinates 49° 12' North latitude,
16° 34' East longitude
Elevation between 190 and 425 m above sea level
Climate Thanks to its location between the Bohemian-Moravian Hills
and the Southern Moravian lowlands, Brno enjoys a very pleasant,
moderate climate, ideal for recreation and everyday living.
Average daytime temperature in Summer (June-August) is +22°C.
Brno enjoys good natural circulation of air, ensuring very high air quality.
No severely violent storms or similar natural disasters have ever been recorded in the city.